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Image by Lina Trochez

Kerry Wailes Yoga & Massage

 EFT (Tapping), Meditation &
Energy Alignment Courses

Live Zoom sessions resuming in Term 1, 2025: 


1) Wednesday Morning Tapping, Meditation & Energy Alignment:

On Zoom Wednesdays at 7am-7.30am, Feb 5 - April 2. (Excludes Feb 12 - Kerry is away)

This will start off your day and week in a mindful, balanced way to help create ease and flow in your life.


Begin with a Tapping (EFT) exercise to help settle and clear out unhelpful thoughts or emotions. This is followed by a relaxation and meditation, to assist with calmness and clarity through your day. Also included are some helpful affirmations and energy alignment exercises. Begin your morning with a balanced body, thoughts and emotions and see what a positive effect this has on your day.


While attendance at the live weekly session is encouraged, recorded sessions will be available. You may work with the recording instead if you are unable to join the live session. The recording may also be repeated through the week, as often as you choose.

Week 1 is a FREE 'Come and Try' week. Then join up for the term if you think it's for you.

Contribution: Term 1, 2025  $80 (8 weeks)

2) Sunday Evening Tapping & Meditation

On Zoom every Sunday from 8pm-8.20pm, Feb 23 - March 30, 2025. 

Clear the energy of your day and week, to aid sleep and start the new day and week fresh.

Begin with Tapping (EFT), to let go of the baggage of the day and prepare for the meditation. Then be guided into a themed meditation. This changes from week to week.


While attendance at the live weekly session is encouraged, recorded sessions will be available. You may work with the recording instead if you are unable to join the live session. The recording may also be repeated through the week, as often as you choose.

Week 1 is a FREE 'Come and Try' week. Then join up for the term if you think it's for you.

Contribution: Term 1, 2025 $30 (6 weeks)

Mon morning EFT
Image by Ksenia Makagonova

'Lose Your Stress' Inspired EFT Courses:
Introduction & Level 1 

EFT course overview

Lose Your Stress in 10 Minutes or Less

Inspired EFT Introduction 1.5 hour Playshops

Is there really a simple way to manage stress? Yes!

Come and learn how in this playshop and have a tool for life to quickly lower your stress levels.
EFT, Emotional Freedom Technique or ‘Tapping’ is ‘the ultimate stress management tool’, says Dr Peta Stapleton, Associate Professor of Psychology at Bond University. This is based on more than 10 years of her Australian research.


Kerry Wailes is an Inspired EFT L3 practitioner and facilitator who uses these techniques every day. She speaks from her personal experience of basic daily EFT use through to recovering from major stress and trauma. 
Kerry has since helped hundreds of people to ease stress and difficulties in their lives. You can be one of these, too!

Useful for: Everyone! Especially teachers, emergency response personnel, kids (via parents & teachers), parents, health practitioners, counsellors

Proven research results for: Stress, anxiety, PTSD, phobias, depression, exam performance, sporting performance, public speaking, weight loss, addictions, changing unhelpful habits.


Online & In-person Playshops:

Stay tuned for 2025 dates

Book or Register Your Interest with Kerry (Click on the purple button above).


Lose Your Stress for Life

Inspired EFT Level 1 Course


Course Overview:

A series of 8 weekly modules, designed to help you effectively use Tapping to decrease stress and improve your life.
You will be gently guided, encouraged and supported to

  • Reduce or eliminate unnecessary stress as it arises.

  • Understand how and why we have unhelpful habits and patterns in our lives.

  • Transform habits and patterns in life that no longer serve you, into ones you choose.

  • Experience, create and use practices that are supportive, calming and uplifting for you.

IEFT L1 Course Modules:

1) Introduction. 1.5 hour presentation. Face to face, or online. Exploring stress and how to reduce it using the Inspired EFT basic formula.

Suggested Exploration: Incorporating the Inspired EFT basic formula daily into our life, at least once per day. 10 minutes (or more-up to you) daily. A support video is available.

2) Fight Flight to Relaxation. 1.5 hour presentation. Face to face, or online. Learning to become more aware of stress and relaxation and how they affect you through your day.

Suggested Exploration: Becoming more mindful of levels of stress and relaxing through your day. Set a reminder and tune in. Tap off where required. ‘Tapping off the day’ exercise for the end of each day. A support video is available. 10 minutes before bed each evening and Tapping through the day as you choose.

3) The Conscious and Subconscious Minds. 1.5 hour presentation. Face to face, or online. What is in the realm of the conscious and subconscious minds? How does this affect me, my habits and patterns?

Suggested Exploration: Dream journaling. Around 10 or more minutes/day. Each day, notice a habit. Do you consider it to be helpful or unhelpful? Where/when did it start? What comes up around it? Tap through the points while considering these things.

4) EFT and Inspired EFT Development. 1.5 hour presentation. Face to face, or online. The development and practical use of EFT in more detail. Terminology. Development of Thought Field Therapy (TFT), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and Inspired EFT. Some research results.

Suggested Exploration: Look at 1 personal issue and develop a Tapping sequence around it. Include the SUDS rating, Set-up Statement, Reminder Statements and turnaround sequence. Write it down and work (Tap) through it. Repeat it until your SUDS rating is 0-1. 20 minutes or more. Continue Tapping as required through your days.

5) Mindfulness & Support Practices. 1.5 hour presentation. Face to face, or online. Exploring mindfulness, visioning, affirmations, journaling, dreams, diet, detoxing, sleep, meditation, relaxation, exercise, fun, creativity, breath, massage & bodywork, and other supportive practices. Where does regular Tapping fit in best in my life?

Suggested Exploration: Develop a personal (weekly?) schedule to support your life and health. What would you like to change? What will work for you? When and where can you practically include it in your days and weeks? Continue Tapping as required through your days.

6) Different Ways to Tap. 1.5 hour presentation. Face to face, or online. What gets in the way? Muscle memory. Changing behaviour. Addictions. Resistance. Secondary benefits. Mirror neurons. Psychological Reversal, Set-up Statement and 9 Gamut procedure. Just feel and Tap, tell the Story, movie technique, ‘the box’. Rub points, wrist holds, fingertip holds, fingertip taps.

Suggested Exploration: Think of a habit you wish to change. Think of a habit you have changed. What is involved in changing a pattern, habit or way of thinking? Tap off all that comes to mind around your unwanted habit. Use the sequence method developed in module 4 to work with it. Notice if different thoughts come to mind around your habit after you’ve tapped off the earlier ones. Keep working (Tapping) with it. 20 minutes, or more. Continue Tapping as required through your days.

7) The Coral Diagram Exercise. 1-1.5 hour presentation. Face to face, or online. Core issues and how to work with them. Breaking down big patterns into smaller, bite-sized chunks.
Suggested Exploration: Create a Coral Diagram around an issue you consider to be a big one for you. Work with each strand of the coral, developing a Tapping sequence for each strand. Tap on that strand until the SUDS is down to 0-1. Continue the process with all the strands. Draw the opposite, or easeful, coral. Perhaps 1 hour or more. Continue Tapping as required through your days.

8) Summary and Questions. 2 hour presentation. Face to face, or online. Looking back over what we’ve covered. Feedback and questions.
Suggested Exploration: Completion of a quiz to review your memory of aspects of the course

You are welcome to complete this course for personal study with no hand-ins. For obtaining a Level 1 Certificate, successful completion of a summary quiz, feedback sheet, Tapping Script and 'Coral Diagram' are required.

Inspired EFT Levels 2 & 3:

Hosted by the Inspired EFT group

Deepening the understanding of IEFT. Gaining experience and becoming confident to share IEFT with family and friends. Level 2 is a prerequisite for Level 3, (for using EFT in your existing Practice)

Testimonials for Inspired EFT Course L1

"This is an amazing course that I would recommend for everyone! We all have emotions that we
push aside and don’t generally know how to handle and that remain stored in our subconscious. I
now know the importance of clearing them every day in order to live a clear, purposeful and fulfilled
This course is like a mini “How to do your life” program. Kerry is an excellent teacher, who takes real
interest in her students and is extremely generous. Just do it!"

- Shivanii

"A very informative and effective course, delivered in a caring and knowledgeable way by Kerry. In a
small amount of time it has revolutionised my world!"

- Petra

"This course is a wealth of valuable information. The content can really switch long-standing old
habits and beliefs. Kerry communicates clearly and calmly, with patience and care. I felt very
supported if I had any questions or issues to raise and I would recommend for anyone wishing to feel
more at ease in their lives."

- Larissa

"Kerry facilitated the course in a very sensitive, professional manner. I felt Kerry listened to me and
provided me with ideas, without assumptions. I felt safe and supported."

- Mary

Girl with Arms Stretched Out

Other support during the course

Zoom Tapping, meditation and energy alignment sessions. These will start off your day and week in a mindful, balanced way. Sessions are designed to support your progress through the 'Lose Your Stress for Life' course. The recording may also be repeated through the week, as often as you choose.

This is free during your 8-week IEFT course. It may then be accessed as live and/or recorded sessions for a term price.


‘Lose Your Stress’ essential oil Support Blend. A 5 ml bottle or roll-on is $18 with your IEFT L1 course with Kerry ($27 regular price).

A divine blend of beautiful, therapeutic grade essential oils. Kerry has created this oil to support Tapping practices. It is made with a 2% blend of tangerine, ylang ylang and Australian Sandalwood oils in a base of sweet almond oil. De-stressing, calming and uplifting. Suitable and safe for almost everyone.

Further Learning: If you choose, you may choose to further your Inspired EFT knowledge after completing Level 1. Further options are:

IEFT Level 2
Deepening the understanding and use of Inspired EFT. Learning how to assist family and friends.

IEFT Level 3
For practitioners wishing to incorporate Tapping into their practice.

Support during the course

​© 2024 by Kerry Wailes

Mob: 0438 777 732

Designed by Cut to the Chase Creative

  • Facebook Kerry Wailes
  • YouTube Kerry Wailes Yoga and Massage

I acknowledge the Taungurung people as the first inhabitants and traditional custodians of the land on which I live and work, and I recognise their continuing connection to land, waters and culture. I pay my respects to their Elders past, present and emerging.

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